Friday, September 21, 2012

The Death of Creativity in Hollywood

Earlier this month, (a whole 2 blogs ago) I wrote about how I was upset at the lack of creativity coming out of Hollywood recently. How almost every motion picture is either the remake of an 80's movie, or an adaption of a comic book, TV show, graphic novel or whatever a random Hollywood executive woke up and saw across from his coffee table that morning.

I knew it was getting bad (Judge Dredd 3D) but I had no idea how bad until my girlfriend showed me this graphic yesterday:

Pretty easy to see what's going on here over the past 20 years. Either no one can come up with anything that moves executives enough, or they figure it's just easier to take a plot that is already developed and tweek it for movie going audiences. Not that the average movie goer will really care. I mean the whole point is to be entertained in the first place. And if some watered down, over saturated super hero tale can do that in two hours for 11 dollars or more a pop, why not? 

I'm not saying that it's this terrible thing that there aren't original ideas for films in the majority, but how many times can I watch the same movie with the same characters? Some of these movies are on their FOURTH installment. That's almost 10 hours of the same exact thing! EIGHT Harry Potter movies. EIGHT.... OCHO..... ok, I'm done. 

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